Monday, October 31, 2016

Developing a Positive Classroom Environment

As a teacher, I must create a caring and safe environment for all students.

Diverse Cultural Backgrounds
Students with different backgrounds have different needs. Some cultures are quiet, while others are vocal. Many cultures find tradition to be of great importance, whereas others place far less value on it.

I have to address every student’s needs while maintaining an impartial classroom. Santora (2004) says “Children need to see themselves, and people who represent the diversity of their families, their communities, and their world, in the environment in which they live, work, and play.” I cannot allow my classroom to appear to be heavily biased toward any culture or cultures. I also must make sure the other students in class show the same respect for the other students in class.

Positive Relationships in the Classroom
As I learned, while researching positive relationships in the classroom, a teacher must share who they are in an honest manner. I will share stories of myself and my past with students so they can understand where I come from. My students will be encouraged to share themselves as well. Morning meetings, classroom etiquette talks, and rules discussions would be great times for this sharing to occur. As students get to know each other, they will bond and be more likely to create and maintain a friendly and positive environment in the class.  

Anti-bullying In and Out of the Classroom

“Bullying Intervention” (n.d.). suggests including “students who might be left out.” I strongly agree that this encouraging mentality is an important part of the positive classroom. To this end, I have my students write something nice about every other student in class. I then have students draw their own likeness and write all the kind comments around them. Students love to read the sweet things others in class have said about them. They rarely walk away from those posters without a smile.

Positive Engagement
Allred (2008) suggests “teachers help students understand that people are likely to feel good about themselves when they engage in positive actions.” This is why I will be reading books and sharing videos that encourage students to engage in positive behaviors. Each Kindness is a great book to help with this. It will help students to understand that we must do kind things while we have the chance, or the opportunity might be lost.

Making Mistakes
It's important that students feel comfortable enough to be themselves. This video calls to the viewers attention how important it is for students to feel comfortable making mistakes. I try to maintain a safe classroom environment. The students in my class have to feel safe to make mistakes, work at their own pace, and try without fear of embarrassment. 

In Conclusion
If the environment is positive, students can feel free to learn and grow at their own pace. They will be less likely to bully and more likely to be invested in the class as a whole. It is my goal, as a teacher, to create this environment for my students every day.

Allred, C. G., (Sept. 2008). Seven Strategies for Building Positive Classrooms
The Positive Classroom V66 (issue 1) Retrieved from

Bullying Intervention Strategies That Work.  (n.d.). Education World. (issue 103) Retrieved from

Santora, L., (2004) How Can You Create a Learning Environment That Respects Diversity? NYSAEYC Report, Winter 2004. Retrieved from

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