Saturday, December 10, 2016

Planning my RI.5.7 Unit

I’m creating a unit lesson for my students to work on and I thought I’d show you how I plan to create the lessons in the unit. I teach 5th grade elementary, so I’ve chosen a common core standard from the state of Arizona’s 5th grade curriculum. I want to explore this standard because the fifth grade students I work with are developing their logic and they need help with exploring different articles and finding information in those texts.

File:Desktop computer clipart - Yellow theme.svgRI.5.7 --- Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently.

There are several lessons that can come from this standard, once it has been unpacked that should lead to them being able to do the following proficiently (note how each one rolls into the next to make a unit);

1.     Students can use multiple print sources to find information.
2.     Students can use multiple digital sources to find information.
3.     Students can locate answers quickly in digital and/or print texts.
4.     Students can use multiple print and digital sources to solve a problem in an efficient manner.
5.     Extending the standard - Students can use multiple digital and print sources to debate and defend their solution.

How will I know the students got these skills? The assessments;

1.     Students will complete a worksheet with questions from two newspaper articles on a similar topic.
2.     Students will complete a worksheet with questions about the three branches of government.
3.     Students will have 20 minutes to find and write out the answers to 20 questions.
4.     Students will read multiple “witness accounts” of the same mystery or crime.
5.     Students will write debate notes and verbally defend their solution.

How will I get them there? The activities;

1.     Students will use multiple print sources to answer questions correctly.
2.     Students will use multiple digital sources to answer questions correctly with cited sources.
3.     Students will work in groups to complete a timed online scavenger hunt and locate answers quickly in digital and/or print texts.
4.     Students will use multiple print and digital sources to solve a mystery in an efficient manner.
5.     Extending the standard - Students can use multiple digital and print sources to debate and defend their solution to the mystery.

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